hello, its been a hot month ...wow, the temperature rising daily ...that solar energy should be put to good use!!! well we do, we dont use the dryer anymore in our clothes, even our palay in the the province has easily dried the harvest...so see?, the heat has lots of uses. This is only the time to repair the roof, to be ready for the rain. Notice that there are only two weather phenomenons, WET AND DRY. but the havoc it does is also intense... so lets not take these weather lightly....just be careful.
i just would like to remind everyone, that JUNE IS ENVIRONMENT MONTH,
and June 5, is environment day. those of you who have projects that need to be done particularly on the environment, ecology trips, tree planting, solid waste management seminars, cleaning the classrooms, and information campaign, do so this month, and its also the time to go back to school.
if you like to share some of your time, go to HARIBON FOUNDATION (CUBAO), MAY 29,
they have a seminar on how to help out, you can also visit the DENR (http://www.denr.gov.ph/),
World Wildlife Fund (mindanao avenue), and also Girl Scouts of the Philippines (http://www.gsp.org.ph/), Pasig River Rehabilitation, ABS CBN Foundation, and many, many other groups that are involved in environment. And i met this photographer in Bagiuo during the leadership conference of the GSP, he is an advocacy photographer, he is on facebook. :filipino pilgrim: , lots of photos on his FB... you can even share your own photos on his site...
Another way is to put up your own group and have activities that can tackle simple acts of love for Mother Earth, make this sustainable, and before you know it, you have a huge organization.
This also tests your leadership concerns. And also your creativity!!!
Involvement means commitment. If others can, why not you?
Happy Environment Day!!!!
Labels: denr, environment game, filipino pilgrim, gsp, haribon, pasig river, wwf