Let's Discuss Green House Gases
Hello readers, its September, the start of the "ber" months. Pinoys will be gearing up for the Christmas season . To me, i don't usually start thinking about the holiday season in September, i think about Christmas after Halloween! I love halloween, maybe next to Christmas and even after celebrating my birthday.
Maybe its the fun of teasing children about ghosts and eeerie things. I also like to look at the dressed up house in villages (visit Ayala Alabang during Halloween), the costume balls, the masks, the goodies and candies given away. Its so much fun. You become a child at heart again.
September is the month of sad days too, remember 9-11 in New York? and also this was the month when the floodings of typhoon Ondoy came. Lots of houses ruined
and lives lost in both counts. But as we face a new day, we always have to thank the Lord for
giving us challenges to know what paths to take.
I will share with you today something i was reading the other day. About Greenhouse gases,
well, this blog is about environment and about being Pinoy, maybe September, my birthday month can be focused on learning things.
Greenhouse effect- this is the rise in temperature that the Earth experiences because certain
gases in the atmosphere (water vapor, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane and other harmful gas go up to the air which harms us) This gases trap energy from the sun. Without these gases, heat would escape back into space and Earth's average temperature will be lower by 60 degrees F colder. Because the gases are warm, it is referred as greenhouse gases and makes greenhouse
Sources - there are many sources which emit bad gases, CARBON DIOXIDE - gases come from big industries and motor vehicles which are emitted in the air's atmosphere.
METHANE- from natural and human influenced source, it could be from agriculture and wetlands, natural gas activities, and landfills (solid waste matters). More than half of the emissions are from human activities.
NITROUS OXIDE - from automobile exhaust,industrial activities, biomass burning and intensive agriculture, HYDROFLUOROCARBONS, PERFLUOROCARBONS, SULFUR HEXAFLUORIDE, which comes from aerosols and industrial coolants, airconditioning. It has strong resistance to radiation making them long living greenhouse gases.
So how does these greenhouse gases go into the air? Everytime we open our television, use our airconditioner, turn on the lights, use electrical appliances, drive a car, play a video game, use the computer, listen to the radio, use a washing machine, microwave, use hairspray, cook outside, and many things that will emit gas into the air. Whenever we use some power or electricity, it comes from power plants. The power plants use coal and oil to make electricity. Burning coal and oil produces greenhouse gases. Other than this , the trash we throw away and are sent to disposal sites produces methane, also a greenhouse gas. When factories make things and items, they use energy and send gases to the air when manufacturing items.
How do we then help to make a difference? Global warming is a big and huge problem right now.
We did not see this before, but due to the increase in population, the changes in climate that we are experiencing now, we notice that environment plays a big role in this. Lets start by being aware of these gases that ruin the earth's atmosphere. We cannot all carry the load, but if each individual person can help limit the effect of greenhouse gases in everyday things, and we count
millions of people doing the same thing, we are saving the earth.
We can start simply by:
1. Read about the environment. In the internet alone, there are a lot of important issues about it. Gather what you know and share with your friends. Information is important. The more you know , the more you can share. Be an active member of a group that helps lessen the effects of
bad gases that are thrown into the atmosphere. Be an advocate of the environment.
2. Save electricity or use power intelligently. Whenever we use electricity, remember that you are sending greenhouses into the air. You can help by turning off the lights when not in use, use the sun to help in drying clothes instead of the drying machine, or lighting up the room. Do not let your computer run idle. when not using the computer, turn it off. Same goes with the use of water, when water is used, generators have to get water from the hydroelectric plants, and power is used which also sends gases into the air. Use water sparingly.
3. Take the MRT, BIKE, or WALK. Many ways of saving power and at the same time exercise is to use the mass transit system. It will lessen cars on the road. Using the bike or walking is
also good when you are just near your place of work or if you are just going nearby.
Schedule the use of private vehicles, and think of ways to use the mass transport like FX, Buses and Jeepneys.
4. Plant more trees. We have heard about planting trees to have more oxygen and reduce greenhouse gases. Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the air and keeps the air fresh and clean.
There are many kinds of trees that are better than most. Ask for advise from environmentalists whats the best trees to plant in vacant lands. And not all places are good for planting trees.
This has to be cleared from the authorities which are plantable areas and which are not.
5. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle . When you think about it, using and applying these three words
to your lifestyles makes sense. Lifestyle living has reached an all time high with very high demand for branded clothes, which more often are used only once or twice. Apply these three
rules in your way of living. Reduce to the minimum what you own, reuse those which can still be used instead of buying again, and recycle items or things. Buying and buying is what companies would like you to do, but if we become more conscious about the things we buy, we help save our pennies and we save the environment too.
6. Buy recyled products and buy intelligently . If you need to buy, review the item. Support the use of recycled products as much as you can. Also try to review the product that you buy, if they are energy efficient , that does not use too much power or energy. Use CFL lights instead of the
incandescent bulbs. Cars, airconditioners, refrigerators have energy efficient models.
7. You are what you eat. Do not waste food. Prepare only what can be eaten. Be wise in spending your money.Eat nutritious food, eat vegetables and fruits often. And be wary where you throw your solid waste and water waste. Limit the use of styrophor cups and plates, use reusable mugs, glasses, to lessen the "throw away society" we all live in. Lessen the purchase of bottled water, but instead, bring water from reusable containers from home and bring it everywhere with you. You not only save money, you also save on plastic containers which are thrown everywhere and clog drains. Remember, plastic does not melt. It takes millions of years before plastic can be melted on the ground, thats why we have to reuse plastic or recyle them for other products.
8. Stand up for environment. You can help by being the initiator in your own homes, in your
school, in your community. Help in finding ways to limit the greenhouse gases be thrown into the air. You start with yourself and review your daily activities. Ask yourself, does this help the environment or not? If everyone becomes conscious of our role, maybe its not late after all.
This article was edited by yours truly thru the reading materials given by The Environmental Management Bureau of the DENR, Visayas Ave, QC www.emb.gov.ph
Labels: carbon dioxide, climate change, electricity, greenhouse gas, methance, oxygen, plastics, power, recycle, reduce, reuse
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